Legal Insights

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Defending Against a Charge of Resisting a Public Officer in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the charge of resisting a public officer is a common but often misunderstood offense. This offense, codified under North Carolina General Statute (N.C.G.S) § 14-223, is broad in scope and is frequently misunderstood by those charged with it. If you or someone you know is facing such a charge, understanding the legal

Defending Against a Charge of Resisting a Public Officer in North Carolina Read More »

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The Real Expense of Traffic Tickets: Insurance Points

Many individuals underestimate the hidden financial impact of traffic violations in North Carolina. It’s not uncommon for people to simply pay a ticket without considering the potential long-term costs. However, beyond fines and court fees, traffic violations can lead to significantly increased insurance premiums due to the state’s insurance points system.  North Carolina uses a

The Real Expense of Traffic Tickets: Insurance Points Read More »

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Facing the Bench: Why a Judge’s Background Matters in Your Case

North Carolina courtrooms uphold the ideals of justice and fairness. But with a diverse array of judges presiding over cases, the specific individual wielding the gavel can significantly impact your criminal or family law matter. Here\’s why understanding the judge in your court case can be a strategic advantage: Judicial Philosophy Shapes Decisions: Judges bring

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